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About the invisible heroine by Phyllis Hemann
the invisible heroine by Phyllis Hemann
Phyllis Hemann's poetry collection, the invisible heroine, is available from Finishing Line Press.

The poems in this book are from my heart, and I feel blessed to share them. It speaks to the universal struggle to create your own space in this world and imprint it with love.

This book was a gift to me and I am thrilled to share the poems in the invisible heroine with all of you. Special thanks to artist Melanie Johnston for the fantastic cover art!

Check here to see where to purchase your copy of the invisible heroine by Phyllis Hemann, including signed copies of this limited-edition chapbook.

Where to purchase the invisible heroine by Phyllis Hemann
Copies of the invisible heroine are in limited supply. Contact the author to see if signed copies are available.
You can see if copies are available from the publisher or Amazon, although these copies are not signed. Signed copies are only available from the author or via in-person author appearances.
the invisible heroine by Phyllis Hemann
In Praise of the invisible heroine by Phyllis Hemann
the invisible heroine by Phyllis Hemann When human truth is articulated in the plain speech of the heart, there is nothing left to do but embrace it. With the poems in the invisible heroine, Phyllis Hemann gives readers the opportunity for such an embrace, and it is welcome in every way as evidence that though we, too, may suffer the rigor of living, it is love unspoiled, finally, that allows us to rise against it, and clearly, visibly, return to our deepest nature as we write our name.

Peter Levitt, author of Fingerpainting on the Moon, Within Within, One Hundred Butterflies and other books of poetry, translation and prose.

I've loved Phyllis Hemann's poetry for a long time now, and I'm thrilled she's finally been convinced to do a collection. Hemann's voice resonates with love, longing, and pain. A must-have accessible poetry collection that traverses love, loss, humor, wonder, and the fantastic.

Gini Koch, author of the Alien/Katherine "Kitty" Katt series for DAW Books

In reading Phyllis Hemann's brilliant new collection the invisible heroine, one cannot help but stop and contemplate the meaning of life: "venturing / into the unknown/ and unexpected." Hemann's poetry is captivating from start to finish.

Leah Maines, publisher, Finishing Line Press
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